How are colleges going to rise to the
challenge of making the quality of teaching and learning good or outstanding? Are you developing your staff in effective and cost efficient ways? How can your performance management and appraisal systems connect more directly with PDL (professional development and learning) processes to raise standards and deliver value for money?
CUREE, in collaboration with 157 Group and supported by LSIS, has developed a system for evaluating and fine tuning these processes in FE colleges. Rooted in international research and already proven in schools, this fully adapted service is now available to colleges.
Who is it for?
SKEIN FE is designed to help college leaders formulate the next steps for their PDL provision to best support the professional development of their staff while ensuring value for money. Colleges benefit from SKEIN FE in six key areas. SKEIN FE;
- enables colleges to make better, more cost effective choices about using scarce PDL resources;
- offers the means systematically to focus PDL on specific aspirations for students and a coherent PDL approach across the college;
- links staff learning explicitly with student learning, enhancing the college's Ofsted evidence base;
- develops internal PDL capacity for all groups of staff;
- raises colleagues' expectations of PDL and what it can contribute to student success; and
- provides the strategic leadership with an overview of the effectiveness of the professional development systems and and process across the enterprise.
How does it work?
Data about the current systems and processes are collected via;
- group interviews with executive team and/or faculty/department/division heads (face-to-face and/or via conferencing);
- individual interviews with a sample of staff;
- one or more focus groups;
- a staff survey; and
- documentary analysis.
The processes have been designed to be as unobtrusive as possible, to use data and documents that the college has created for other purposes and serve as interesting developmental experiences in their own right.
The college will receive a personalised profile against recognised benchmarks plus a practical set of tailored recommendations based on the research and diagnostic undertaken.You'll also have the opportunity for a future follow-up visit to capture your progress.
Following your evaluation you'll have access to an online archive of helpful resources and 'Golden Eggs' - examples of great CPD for you to consider within the context of your own practice.
Why is it different?
SKEIN FE uses high quality research tools and internationally recognised evidence about the role of leaders in improving learning, the accelerators for college improvement and the barriers to progression. With the help of the 157 group, CUREE has made use of this research and evidence to identify the key aspects of professional development and learning which actually improve learner outcomes and what each looks on a scale from developing to transformatively integrated into the systems and structures of the school.
The quality assurance processes which underpin SKEIN FE provide a rigorous diagnostic and action plan which focusses on what will make the most difference for your specific college.
The entire process is driven by generating outcomes that you can actually implement to create a pathway towards providing exceptional learning experiences and results.
Does it work?
Here's what college leaders had to say about their SKEIN FE experiences.
"The report is helpful: it validates and evidences impressionistic judgments we’ve previously made for ourselves; it provides an authoritative contribution to on-going but unresolved discussions about strategy for achieving greater impact through CPD; and it suggests new possibilities and ideas which have not previously been part of our thinking” - Steve Griffin, Director of Learning and Teaching at Cornwall College
"Speaking on behalf of our senior team, our light bulb moment came when Philippa succinctly revealed to us the Holy Grail that we should be pursuing. This turned out to be that our staff were focussed on getting more knowledgeable and skilled within their subject or field rather than on improving their skills as a teacher. It has been a very powerful message for us and one we have taken on board very seriously and we have made changes to support a change in focus. Philippa's insight really helped us in the appointment of Matt Bromley as our Director of Learning and Teaching Improvement and he has continued to shine a light on improving those key skills across the College" - Bernadette Doyle, Derby College
I want to know more!
Want to know what a SKEIN FE report looks like? Click here to view an anonymised report or read the executive summary.
For any specific queries, or to find out more about how SKEIN FE could help your college, email Joe Askew at or call on 024 7652 4036.